I have no particular loyalty to Elvis. I have none of his songs on my iPod. On the other hand, I have no particular hatred for Elvis. He isn't Nelly Furtado, after all. Still, it seems to me that you can have a museum to someone and a tour of their home without plastering their face on any



that you could name. It seems vaguely distasteful to sell ashtrays, shotglasses, action figures, lamps, pillows, purses, blankets, and spice racks emblazoned with a dead man's face a stone's throw from his grave, and this is coming from a person who loves the town of Pigeon Forge. The whole place is exploitative and somehow sad, as if the Presley family has forgotten that Elvis was a real person rather than a hip shaking caricature that they can make a buck off of.
Tonight while I was uploading photos I realized that I felt bad for Elvis.

I felt bad for a dead millionnaire. That's how terrible Graceland is.
I have zero desire to visit Graceland, as I am sure I would ultimately reach your same conclusion - a talented, but troubled man memorialized in a trashy, exploitative way that does nothing for his memory other than to keep it alive for profit's sake.
However, my parents took us there when I was little (like, four years old) and my mom likes to tell a story about me loudly interrupting the tour guide to say that we had a piano in our house too! Can I play this one like I play mine at home? and then apparently I got really upset when they wouldn't let me touch the piano. Darn tour guides.
Plus, something I'm sure you might see at Graceland in the future: Mr. Potato Head, the Elvis Version.
that last shot of the records and suit is fantastic...very nice work.
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