So, the highlights:
1) I did a lot of work. This included staying late four or five nights a week to call people, do last minute contracting, and fill every space we have.
2) I saw the band, while they were in band camp. They marched through campus during move in weekend, and then afterward they went back to the football field and the band director cut all the kids who didn’t make it.

It’s nice that their parents get to see them in the band at least one time, and take pictures of them marching and stuff, but it also seems sort of cruel to make them practice for days and days during a heat wave and then march down hot pavement before you decide to let them know that they’re not good enough after all.
3) I had a tiny accident with hair clippers. I usually cut my own hair, but my clippers are getting pretty dull, and I pressed down too hard trying to get a stray patch and ended up with a big dig in my hairline. The only way to fix it was to take my razor and cut my head all the way down to the skin.

The stubble is growing in pretty quickly, but for a couple days it was really weird touching skin on the top of my head. It has a strange, kind of rubbery texture, and the day I did it my scalp was almost waxy. After a couple showers my head felt normal again, and then the hair started growing in. Now it’s just fun to sit and rub while I’m stuck at red lights.
4) I went to a home football game. I’ll be at most of them, because I signed up to help take tickets at the student gates. Campus on game day is pretty much one giant party.

It’s weird that everyone shops for their tailgating tents at the same store.
5) I learned that there are different days of the week here.

Thank God it’s Fraday.
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