A few weeks ago I removed a large, heavy figure of Colossus from the back room and set him up on top of one of the bookcases, but every few days I come home to this:

That's not a bookcase. That's the floor. He doesn't always land the same way, but he keeps toppling from his perch, and I'm starting to think I might need to move him. In the meantime, though, I just keep standing him back up, and when I did it today after I got home from the grocery store I suddenly felt like taking pictures.

He doesn't look like he should fall down, right?
Jean Grey doesn't fall down:

Ozymandias doesn't fall down:

Starman doesn't fall down:

The Human Torch doesn't fall down:

Aquaman doesn't fall down:

but he does get this, "Get that camera out of my face!" look if you catch him in dim light:

Colossus, though... he falls down.
Maybe he just doesn't like heights.
Maybe he falls down cause he wants your attention. Just leave him on the floor next time to show him he can't play you like that.
I agree with the above comment.
Teach him a lesson!
Hi Joel,
It's Suzanne Stambaugh here. I have joined the blogging world! I hope you are able to solve the Colossus mystery soon. I hope you will also consider becoming a "follower" of my blog. :)
::looks at the above comment:: Wha? Where did you come from random lady?
I'm glad to have met someone nerdier than me. I have a display of action figures (not dolls, Leonor, thanks) and I get filled with rage when I come home to an action-figure avalanche. The way I have them displayed -- in tiers -- helps with the unfortunate domino effect. E-mail me for a dorky photo of my New Frontier figures, including a custom Aquaman in that style.
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